Monday 5 March 2012


Annual Grand Kandoory (Urus) Festival of Qutul Majid Kadhir Vali Sayyid Shahul Hameed r.a is to commence from 22-APRIL-2012 and to conclude on 04-MAY-2012.
The Great Hajrath Syed Abdul Kadhir Shahul Hameed Badhusha Sahib r.a commonly known as Hajrath Kadhir Vali – Baadhusha naayagam – Periya Ezaman - Nagore Andavar is the Direct Hereditary Decedent of Hajrath Prophet Mohamed (SAW) came to south India to reform, preach and simulate the true doctrines of Islam. The fame of the holy saint spread throughout the world the poor and the distressed people flocked to him for blessing, comfort and solace. The Miracles of the Holy saint had not stopped with his demise, but continues to the present day.

Festival Days

22-April-2012 09.00 PM : Mounting of Flag
27-April-2012 10.00 AM : Grand Maulud Function and Thabruk food distribution to all
30-April-2012 10.00 PM : Peer function
02-May-2012 04.00 AM : Urus – Anointment of Sandal
03-May-2012 05.00 PM : Peer Fasting Function
05-May-2012 09.00 PM : Dismounting of Flag

For more information about Dargah you can visit : 
Alhaj S Syed Kamil Sahib Qadiri ,
Hereditary Direct Decedent, Sajjadha Nasheen, President of Nagore Dargha Adv Board,
Dargha Atheenam & Share Holder of Nagore Dargha ,Managing Trustee of MPWK Trust
19,Mohideen palli street , Nagore 611002 , Nagai Dist , Tamil Nadu , India .
Ph 0091 98424 41404 , 0091 4365 250141

Posted by : Ishak K, Butterworth,Penang,MALAYSIA


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